Monday, July 30, 2012

how to make yoghurt

1) in a double boiler (or a bowl on top of a pot), heat milk to 80degrees....(please note all degrees are in celsius)

2) meanwhile, clean the jars you will be putting the yoghurt in...

3) fill sink with cold water, and once the milk has reached 80 degrees, put the bowl in the cold water to quickly bring it down to 40 degrees

4) place cleaned jars you will be using on counter, ready to go...

5) turn on your electric blanket, cover it with baking paper, and then a towel and a woollen blanket...

6) once milk has cooled to 40 degrees, add 1 tablespoon store-bought or yoghurt from a previous batch, to 2 cups of milk (I made 6 cups, and so added 3 tablespoons of store-bought).... stir in well

7) fill your cleaned glasses with the milky yoghurt....

8) put them on the electric blanket, cover with the towel and the blanket, wait around 8 hours with the blanket staying on (the longer you leave it the thicker it will get i think, just keep checking until you get the consistency you want) and.....

9) enjoy your yoghurt!

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